Competitive Cost of Goods Management
By merging the buying power of several national group purchasing entities, AUDNET Hearing Group has created a powerful “big-customer” presence in the industry. Manufacturers value this strategy, and have armed AHG with cost-savings tools that even large practices will appreciate. Premium, mid-range, economy and even starter products can be purchased through AHG at discounts and with warranties that help level the playing field. And, through future mergers, this strategy will only increase the cost management value to AHG members.
Members can look forward to:
- Access to top brands at prices and warranties that will meaningfully lower their costs
- Volume-based programs with certain suppliers to lower costs even further
- Single-source billing on certain products for qualified members

Unique Business Support Tools
Unique to AUDNET Hearing Group is our ability to offer members discount access to a variety of business support resources and tools through our partnerships with top companies that are experts in key support areas. This outsourcing of key business, marketing and management tools means no markup on products to pay for services you may or may not use. Our “ala carte” approach to customized business solutions means you get discount access to only the services you need – paid for by the savings you enjoy.
Members can look forward to:
- Office Management software, top brand, 30% off for members
- Training certification for front and back office staff
- Medical Model open house services
- Electronic and traditional marketing support
- Billing and coding consulting …and so much more!

Strategic Consumer Messaging
As a national network of experienced hearing care professionals who command some of the lowest cost of goods, AUDNET Hearing Group is in a unique position to promote high quality and affordable professional care on a nationwide basis direct to the consuming public. Working together to define and provide a unque patient care experience, AUDNET Hearing Group members can effectively brand their network as THE source for unique, affordable, high quality, effective hearing care.
Members can look forward to:
- A corporately driven social media presence promoting network professional care value
- Patient care metrics tools to quantify network value and exceptionalism
- Corporately driven local and national media coverage
- Regular member webinars to promote and coordinate messaging strategies